Ignite Ministerial Institute?

Ignite Ministerial Institute exists to equip and empower individuals called to ministry through comprehensive theological education, practical training, and spiritual growth. Our mission is to develop leaders who embody faith, integrity, and excellence, transforming lives and communities for the glory of God. Our students are taught by world-class leaders within the Assemblies of God.


Ignite began in 2006, as a nine-month internship for young adults seeking ministerial training and credentials. As the years passed, Ignite responded to the growing need to equip individuals from various walks of life, such as ministry leaders, entrepreneurs, students, and those who desire to grow in the knowledge of the Bible


IMI History


After over 20 years of ministry, there has been a resounding truth that has concerned the hearts of Ignite Founders, Pastors Mark and Lisa Vega - the need for people to be trained in ministry and actually become activated within ministry demonstrating the reciprocity needed in our time.

It is for this reason that when COVID-19 pandemic presented the entire world one of the largest challenges of the century, Ignite leadership chose to respond by establishing an accelerated Bible Institute with a keen focus at developing ministers of the gospel. Since then IMI has been utilizing online platforms to train, challenge and empower a bastion of future leaders, pastors and ministers in both English and Spanish with a worldwide reach


After being in operation for a year and having had over 100 students, our institute became endorsed by the Assemblies of God USA and the Florida Multicultural District of the Assemblies of God which gave way to expand our reach and continue serving students in their transformation through the word of God.


In 2022, IMI reached a milestone when we celebrated the graduation of our first Phase 3 ordination level students. Today many of those graduates are serving as Pastors, leaders in their home churches, and leaders in the marketplace. As we continue to expand our reach, our focus is to see people answer the call of God over their lives and see them activated as they build the church.